Be a part of the main event in the district heating industry!

Approximately 350-450 attendees from district heating field from all over Finland will take part in Kaukolämpöpäivät every year. At Kaukolämpöpäivät we will discuss current issues, look to the future, and grow networks.

In connection with the seminar, we will arrange exhibition area in the immediate connection of the seminar space in Saimaa Areena. At the exhibition area, you will have the opportunity to present your company, products and services to district heating experts and procurement decision-makers. The exhibition area is open throughout the seminar, so your company's visibility is assured. You can join as a partner and have Your own booth at the exhibition area or choose one of different sponsorship opportunities.

Kaukolämpöpäivät 2024 will be held at Lappeenranta 27.-28.8.2025!

More information on partnership:

Vassa Arnell , p. 050 542 3751, vassa.arnell@energia.fi